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International year of sound 2020-2021

The International Year of Sound is a global initiative to highlight the importance of sound and related sciences and technologies for all in society.

 The International Year of Sound will consist of coordinated activities on regional, national and international levels. These activities will aim to stimulate the understanding throughout the world of the important role that sound plays in all aspects of our society. As well, these activities will also encourage an understanding of the need for the control of noise in nature, in the built environment, and in the workplace

Check the calendar of events here: https://sound2020.org/event/

CESVA is proud to be official sponsor of the International Year of Sound and actively contribute to such an interesting initiative. #IYS2021

Prénom International Year of Sound 2020-2021
Durée 2021
Dates et horaire
From January 1 to December 31, 2021
Lieu Worldwide
Links https://sound2020.org/