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49th National Congress on Acoustics -TECNIACÚSTICA® 2018

The 49th Spanish Congress on Acoustics TECNIACUSTICA© 2018 and Iberian Encounter on Acoustics will be held from the 24th  to 26th  of October 2018 in the city of Cádiz.

The technical program will include plenary lectures, invited and contributed papers covering all aspects of acoustics. There will be a technical exposition -EXPOACUSTICA© 2018- highlighting the latest advances in acoustics.

The congress is organized by Sociedad Española de Acústica (SEA),  and with the support of the 
International Commission for Acoustics (ICA) and the European Acoustics Association (EAA). 

These events will be a forum for the presentation of the most recent works undertaken in severa I areas of Acoustics, which are more and more frequently present at the technological development, in the Universities curricula, at the Research Laboratories priorities, at the concerns of the Governmental Organisations, Municipalities, Enterprises and in all the working activities, recreation and culture.

Prénom TECNIACUSTICA 2018 Cádiz
Durée 3 days
Dates et horaire from 24 to 26th October , 2018
Lieu Cádiz
Links http://www.sea-acustica.es/index.php?id=437